K-3 Distance Learning Programs
Explore at Home Investigations
Grade Level: K-3
Duration: 30-45 minutes each
Website: Click hereAs part of our expansion into distance learning, Crystal Cove Conservancy’s education team has developed short, 30-minute investigations that invite learners to explore the outdoors from home, whether by making observations out a window, sketching in a nature journal in their backyard, or taking a family walk through their neighborhood. Although these standalone activities were developed for upper elementary students, they can be adapted for any grade level.
PORTS Videoconferencing
Website: ports.parks.ca.gov
Crystal Cove Conservancy is a proud supporter of the PORTS (Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students) Distance Learning Program. State Park PORTS interpreters deliver live 45-minute videoconferencing sessions from California State Parks directly to students via Skype. Participants can learn about tidepool ecology, Marine Protected Areas, the redwoods, and more through engaging and interactive presentations. Both scheduled classroom programs and home learning programs are available.
PORTS programs are aligned with Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards, and are made available free of charge.
Virtual Marine Science Videoconferencing with Newport Whales! (Coming Soon)
Grade Level: K-3
Price: $50/session
Website: newportwhales.com
Crystal Cove Conservancy’s partners at Davey’s Locker Whale Watching offer distance learning programs! Their virtual classroom visits are only $50 per session and last approximately 45 mins. These presentations are NGSS-aligned with pre- and post-program curriculum tailored to your grade level, with videos and pictures all about whales, fish, and other local sea life. To wrap up, they’ll even host a Q&A session so your eager students can ask specific questions to their educators. This can be offered to student groups in a public, private or homeschool setting!
More information coming soon. Contact Jessica Roame, Newport Whales Education Manager, by emailing jessica@newportwhales.com.
New Community Science STEM Program for Grades 2-3!
During the 2020-2021 school year, Crystal Cove Conservancy’s education team will be piloting a new school program for second and/or third grade students, modeled off of our successful Project Crystal curriculum.
Planning for this program is still in the early stages. If you have questions or would like to join our pilot team of teachers, please contact Sara Ludovise, Director of Education, by emailing sara@crystalcove.org.
In-Person Field Trips
Crystal Cove State Park Interpretive Programs (currently on hold)
Grade Level: 2-3
Class Size: Up to 60 students
Duration: Varies
Price: $2.50/studentCrystal Cove State Park invites students to participate in a variety of interpretive educational programs. These programs are available for school and other organized groups throughout the year in the park. All programs are curriculum-based, fun, and interactive and can be adapted to any grade level by Ranger Winter, one of Crystal Cove’s most beloved interpreters. Possible areas of focus cover everything from tidepools and ecology to unhuggables and birding.
In-person interpretive programming at Crystal Cove State Park is currently paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on how to schedule a program once they resume, please visit the Crystal Cove State Park website.