Author Archive

A Bounty of Butterflies

Aug 16, 2017

  When wandering in the wild, one is naturally drawn to grand spectacles: the largest mammals, the most songful birds, the brightest flowers, and the most prominent vistas.  While these […]

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Camping out at Crystal Cove

Aug 16, 2017

  During the first week of August, Crystal Cove was the setting for another successful Camp Cove, which saw 100 campers from Santa Ana travel to the park for five […]

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Not merely decoration

Jul 14, 2017

For a marine mollusk, abalone are exceptionally well traveled.  Often found far from the ocean, their shells garnish the homes of many who find their radiance a beautiful reminder of […]

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Marine Mammal Stranding

May 3, 2017

Spring is breeding season for much of Crystal Cove’s wildlife, and every inch of the park is bursting with new life. If you come to the park you can spot […]

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